4 Things to Remember When Waiting Becomes Painful

29 January

Can I talk to the single people again? I know that's been like my main audience for the past few blog posts, but if I'm being honest there's not really enough realness in the Christian single community and I intend to change that. So I want to pose a hypothetical situation for you here:

You're single. And if you're being honest, you have been for quite some time. It's partially your choice, because you refuse to settle, but at this point you've been waiting so long that you're wondering if being obedient in waiting is even worth it. You're wondering if perhaps your standards are too high, or maybe your prayers have had some difficulties on their way up to the Big Man. What happens when sticking to it becomes hard? What happens when you've prayed for years and you still have nothing to show for it? What happens when you want to give up?

Anyone resonating with this? Or is it just me?

I want to share with you 4 things to remember when the going gets tough and waiting has become too painful to bear.

1. On any given day, you are one day closer to breakthrough
Unfortunately, we don't have the pleasure of knowing exactly when breakthrough may happen, but we can be confident that since God's plans for us are good and that He is for us, that breakthrough IS in the plan. Think about it this way. You might meet your future spouse, or get clarity on who it is tomorrow. It may be a year from now. But isn't it beautiful knowing that wherever you are on that timeline, each day when you wake up you are one day closer to your answered prayer?

2. God's timing is extremely precise
One of the things not left up to us in this world is timing. That is God's job. And as much as I'd like to control it sometimes, I'm glad it's not my responsibility. Because at the end of the day God's got the greatest jigsaw puzzle in the world and He's got to figure out how to plan everything out for the billions of people currently on the Earth, and those to come. You see, God isn't a procrastinator, He plans ahead. What if you're waiting because God has a specific purpose for your future child? In order for that child to be born at exactly the right time for that purpose to come to pass the way God's planned it, you have to wait a little bit longer to meet your future spouse. Doesn't that make waiting worth it? God is precise. Get an aerial view to this; there's more to this than meets the eye.

3. Your heart isn't the only one involved
I know this may come as a shock to you, but you're not the only one on this planet. Nor am I, but sometimes I pray like I am. I want you to think about this. Marriage is the closest two people can be on this Earth. Therefore, the two parties' hearts are in a sense cemented to each other. Remember, friend, that your heart isn't the only one in this equation; God has to take into account your future spouse's as well. What if you're waiting because your future spouse is praying something specific about you, and God is making sure that you are prepared to be that or vice versa? What if you're waiting because your future spouse is working out some stuff in his/her life that would be toxic to a relationship if you were to be joined together now? What if (grab hold of your hearts, it's about to get real) your future spouse is in another relationship now? I know, not ideal but stick with me here. Not only would that be two hearts at play, yours and his/hers, but also the heart of the person they are in the relationship with. God takes all of this into account; we don't.

4. Persistence is the key to the promise
This one is not particularly attractive because it requires some work from you. You've got to keep praying. You've got to keep seeking. You've got to keep knocking. God knows what you desire obviously, but He wants to hear about it. Keep coming to God with it. One of the reasons maybe He holds off on giving it to you immediately is because He wants your heart. You've come too far to quit. Even though God did many instant miracles for the Israelites along the way, they were still in the wilderness for 40 years, and once they were delivered Jericho still didn't fall down in an instant. In fact they kept marching like God said even when there was no sign of breakthrough and even when it almost seemed silly to continue. Keep walking. You might be on your 7th lap. On the other side of your perseverance is your answered prayer.

At the end of the day, when we get discouraged hope is always renewed through seeing from a higher perspective. I hope that this has helped you to gain some perspective. It doesn't mean you won't struggle and it doesn't mean you won't get discouraged ever again. It simply is a reminder of what your heart already knows: God is faithful and He's got this figured out.

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Christian first, teacher second, boyband connoisseur third.

I'm walking through the Christian life struggling just as much as everyone else, but I just happen to process my struggles through writing. These are my thoughts; these are my revelations.

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