The Multi-Faceted Gem
05 October
Today as I was praying I was thanking Jesus for His many
roles in my life. And as I was thanking Him, I used the word “facets” as a
synonym for roles. In praying this, I was then given a picture of a diamond.
When used in common vernacular, facet is a synonym for
aspect or quality. However, it really means, “one of the small, polished plane
surfaces of a cut gem,” (thanks As I thought more about it,
the Lord really confirmed that this was a perfect word to use to describe His
many roles.
I really think what the Lord wanted me to get from this was
not just that facets are most commonly associated with gems and that a gem is a
perfect picture of the worth of Christ, but rather I think He really wanted me
to understand the function of a facet.
By itself, an uncut stone can be lustrous, but it may not
necessarily reflect light. It is when facets come in that the stone starts to
reflect light. According to Wikipedia’s (yes I know, normally an unreliable
source, but bare with me here) facet entry, a facet’s sole purpose is to
reflect light. As I read this, I realized this is exactly what Christ’s facets
Imagine a woman who has just gotten engaged. She
cannot stop staring at her ring and every time the light hits it, she is mesmerized
and reminded of its beauty. This reminder happens only when the light hits the
facet and by it’s very design, the facet must reflect the light.
I believe this is what God’s roles in our lives do for us:
they reflect the light. The Word tells us that the Lord IS light and so as a
result, His facets reflect HIM. God’s many titles or facets remind us of who He
is. When God is a father to me it reflects who He is. When God is a friend to
me, it reflects who He is. And when God acts as a romancer and my ultimate
groom, it reflects who He is.
I would challenge you as you go throughout your day to
really look at how Christ’s light is specifically reflected to you by His many
facets. Ask Him to show you.
“For with you is the
fountain of life; in your light we see light.” – Psalms 36:9
Update 10/9: Yesterday, I went back and listened to some Needtobreathe because, well who doesn't love Needtobreathe? I came upon a song called "Multiplied" that I had become familiar with over the summer (check it out at the bottom of the page). As I was listening to it, I heard the first line,
"Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain."
With a goofy smile plastered on my face, I thought to myself, "How cool is that? There's another layer to this!" In the post above, I brought up how the facets reflect Him and His light because He is light. But, He is also love and the diamond reflects His love as well. Not only that but the song describes the diamond as "radiant" which means (get this) "emitting rays of light; shining; bright." Just like the facets. Just like His many roles.
But it doesn't stop there! The song also points out another truth that we so often miss. Yes, it's important to know about God's love before we can understand it (heck that's how learning anything works), but the coolest part of God's love, the treasure of it if you will, is that it lives within us. Yes, knowing about God's love is good, but experiencing it is even better. It is a privilege to experience this love through the power of His Holy Spirit. It can be equated to, I don't know, a diamond. It is precious and invaluable. Even Jesus Himself proclaimed the power of the Holy Spirit and it's indispensable worth during His time here on earth.
"But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you." - John 16:7 (emphasis added)
We should get to a point as believers that the Holy Spirit of God burns so brightly inside of us that we literally cannot contain it and must act on it. This happens when we allow God's many facets to work within us and reflect His light and His love.
Update 10/9: Yesterday, I went back and listened to some Needtobreathe because, well who doesn't love Needtobreathe? I came upon a song called "Multiplied" that I had become familiar with over the summer (check it out at the bottom of the page). As I was listening to it, I heard the first line,
"Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain."
With a goofy smile plastered on my face, I thought to myself, "How cool is that? There's another layer to this!" In the post above, I brought up how the facets reflect Him and His light because He is light. But, He is also love and the diamond reflects His love as well. Not only that but the song describes the diamond as "radiant" which means (get this) "emitting rays of light; shining; bright." Just like the facets. Just like His many roles.
But it doesn't stop there! The song also points out another truth that we so often miss. Yes, it's important to know about God's love before we can understand it (heck that's how learning anything works), but the coolest part of God's love, the treasure of it if you will, is that it lives within us. Yes, knowing about God's love is good, but experiencing it is even better. It is a privilege to experience this love through the power of His Holy Spirit. It can be equated to, I don't know, a diamond. It is precious and invaluable. Even Jesus Himself proclaimed the power of the Holy Spirit and it's indispensable worth during His time here on earth.
"But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you." - John 16:7 (emphasis added)
We should get to a point as believers that the Holy Spirit of God burns so brightly inside of us that we literally cannot contain it and must act on it. This happens when we allow God's many facets to work within us and reflect His light and His love.