My church does this really cool 21 day long initiative known as "21 Days of Prayer." Its aim is to get the church to see the power of prayer both corporately and individually in the hopes that they will continue it long after the event is over. We do it twice a year in August and January and this was the first time since joining the church that I'd really wholeheartedly participated.
A couple of weeks before 21 Days, I was distraught. It had been a year since I felt God had spoken to me on the next big thing in my life and yet I was still living in a wilderness of uncertainty. My heart was restless and searching constantly for answers. I went in to this 21 Days asking for an answer and asking for clarification. On the day before it started, I was reading Habakkuk 2. I turned there for verse 3 which says:
"This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed."
That encouraged me, but what God was really leading me to was verse 1 which says,
"I will climb up to my watchtower
and stand at my guardpost.
There I will wait to see what the Lord says
and how he will answer my complaint."
As I read I saw that verse 3 was an answer to Habakkuk's fervor in verse 1. I felt Him impress upon me to seek Him the best way I knew how and to not give up until I got an answer. And that's just what I did. Every single weekday morning, I got up and participated in 6 am Prayer. There were some days I dozed off while seeking God, there were some days I contemplated quitting because I wasn't seeing results, but I still went and each morning He was faithful to speak to me and teach me. I participated in each part of this event not out of obligation, but in the hopes that God would keep meeting me and keep clarifying things. And that He did, but not really how I expected.
God did give me clarity on what I need to do next in this journey and that's an answered prayer, but more than that I've learned such an invaluable lesson: trust in God includes trust in his timing and method of fulfillent. This sounds obvious, and it's not new information but rather a new revelation. I've been learning that God's character is worthy to be trusted and He is faithful to what He promises. Just because I don't see an answer in front of me doesn't mean He isn't working. I am at peace with the yet to be fulfilled promises in my life because I have learned to trust in God. I am at peace as a result of seeking God in these 21 days. On this the end of the 21 days, God reaffirmed what He taught me by reminding me of the following verse:
"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you." - Isaiah 26:3
He is keeping me in a place of perfect peace because my mind is focused on Him and because I'm trusting Him with my uncertainty. I didn't come out of this time of intense prayer with the results I thought I would, and quite honestly my situation hasn't changed much, it's actually gotten a little worse. However, I'm continuing to pray and continuing to trust that this will be part of my testimony when the Lord does come through. And He will.