Dear Life Church,
The biggest and most important thing I want to do is express is my sincerest thanks. Thank you for being a church that doesn't give up and doesn't compromise. Thank you for being a church that will do anything to see people find Christ. Thank you for putting Jesus first and seeking His guidance in everything. Thank you for doing all you can to provide an atmosphere for people to come seek and experience Jesus no matter where they are in their walk. Thank you for always always always preaching the Gospel and preaching it as it is. And finally, thank you for being a church that cares about every single person that walks in the door no matter what.
Recently, I've been through one of the hardest seasons in my entire life. It was one that honestly came out of nowhere, I didn't really do anything to initiate, and absolutely broke me down to the lowest place I've ever been. Throughout these few months, I've felt the sincerest love and care from the members of Life Church. Whether it was a simple "Hey how are you doing?", an offer for prayer or just a text to say I was being thought of, I knew that when I was in that church or around those people I was cared for and loved. I hit rock bottom over Christmas, and I lost my will to do pretty much anything. But I knew if I could just get into church on Sunday, I would be able to experience Jesus and be around people that loved me.
What's more is I've only been at this church since April and the people of this church have treated me like I've been there for years. Here you don't have to earn your way in; you just belong. Many churches put it in their mission that they "love people" and to an extent they do, but I've never seen such love as I have seen here.
None of this is by accident. First and foremost, the credit goes to the Spirit of the Lord in each one of the members that loves the way Christ loves. But I think it's worth noting that this attitude comes from and is nurtured from the very top. The leadership at Life Church makes it an extreme priority to make sure that people are loved and cared for. This is evident from everything to the sincere greeting I get when I walk in, to the huge movements within the church such as the recent movement to give away 1200+ bikes to kids in schools in the community. This church will stop at nothing to make sure that someone can experience the love of Christ regardless of how it's delivered.
Today I was at the new Sheetz off of Ashton Avenue in Manassas and I was waiting in line for 15 minutes to get gas. As I was waiting, I looked around and saw one of the cars had the illustrious "leaf" on their car. I see this often especially in Manassas so I noted it and moved on. Then as I was pumping gas, I noticed that a man was helping a lady push a car off to the side. As I was leaving, I saw that car that was being pushed was off to the side and the car behind it was the car I noticed earlier with the leaf. I thought to myself how well that exemplified my church: people loving others no matter what it costs; just like Christ.
When I walked into Life Church for the first time, the thing I noticed most about this place was how alive people were here. And as it should be honestly! We serve a living God shouldn't His people, who have His Spirit burning within them, be alive as well?
All of this is not to brag on how awesome my church is to other people (although it is awesome) but rather to share how my church has impacted me and express my extreme thanks for it. The majority of the New Testament deals with instructions on how to run the church and it's because it's not easy! As such, there is all the more reason to recognize the good work being done. God has blessed me with this church as I know He has blessed each and every other person there, but as a result, I believe God is blessing this church and it will continue to thrive and grow. I am so thankful that this is my home and I can't wait to continue to see (and play a part in) how God uses the Life Church in other people's lives.