How I'm Currently Preparing for the Season I'm Not Yet In
So if you've been paying attention, you'll know that the thing I'm believing God for right now in this season of my life is a life-giving marriage. It's something I've always desired and probably my biggest earthly dream. But for the longest time, I didn't feel like I should be preparing for what I was praying for because, "I'm not there yet, and I don't know if I will ever be, so what's the point? Why get my hopes up?" But over the past year or so, God has really been showing me that my learning and preparing for this next season isn't jumping the gun; it's actually wise. So, here are some of the things I've been doing specifically to prepare for this next season.
1. Reading, reading, reading
Books provide a wealth of knowledge, and for someone like me who is completely lost as to what a godly relationship even looks like PRACTICALLY, I need as much knowledge as I can get. So, recently to prepare for the season of my answer, I've been reading some really solid books on marriage and dating. These are a list of the best ones:
- Boundaries in Dating by Henry Cloud and John Townsend - This is without a doubt my favorite book on the subject. I love the Biblical approach it takes while still being realistic and practical. If you have struggled with dating in the past, or just have no idea where to begin, this is a fantastic book.
- The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas - I read this as part of a small group and it honestly gave me so much foundational knowledge on what marriage is and what it isn't and getting to the heart of why we want to be married. It's honest and real. Definitely a must read.
- Swipe Right by Levi Lusko - This book is fairly new and doesn't necessarily hit marriage specifically, but it does hit on creating habits that will better your marriage and dating life. Love Levi's style of writing and his wisdom is unparalleled.
- When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy - This book revolutionized my thoughts about control over my future marriage. Because of this book, I was challenged to hand over the "pen" to God to write my love story. It just presents the beauty of that so wonderfully.
- 31 Prayers for My Future Husband by Jennifer and Aaron Smith - I'm currently going through this right now as sort of a nightly practice. Every night I do one prayer for my future husband. They are all on different topics and are worded so wonderfully. There's so much power in making these prayers your own and praying it over the man you one day will be married to. There's also a version for guys!
2. Gain Wisdom
- Single, Dating, Engaged, Married Series by Ben Stuart - Ben Stuart KILLS it with this series. He takes each stage of romantic relationships and keeps it biblical but also practical. I'd HIGHLY recommend it for wherever you are in that journey.
- The Song of Songs Series by Ben Stuart - Ben goes through the entirety of the book of Song of Solomon (aka: the most avoided book in the Bible) and talks about what it teaches us about marriage and relationships. So important for anyone looking to be married one day. Even though I was no where close when I listened to it, it blessed me so greatly to learn about the beauty of what marriage was intended to be.
3. Journal